What does it mean when a circus comes to town? How does it make you feel?

In the Circus of Longing, we imagine our own creatures, sideshow stars, and modes of transportation, playing in order to realize that all life is a wonderous and unpredictable  event.  In this workshop, students explore concepts in movement, visual art, and theatre, which they then use to create their very own circus.  After learning about the components of real circus shows, students design and build their own circus train cars, create dances, juggling acts, sideshow attractions, and wild costumes, all culminating in a final circus performance.

Concepts & Projects


Leading & Following
Shape of the Body in Space
Pathways Through Space
Movement Sequencing


Imaginary Circus Car Drawings
Painted Cardboard Circus Cars
Circus Ticket Booth (Group)
Circus Tickets
Decorative Circus Flags
Circus Posters


Observation of Character Traits
Character Development
Performance Quality



Workshop Details

For: Students age 8-13, up to 20 students per class

Time Required: One Week, 4-6 hours per day

Instruction: Babs Case, two additional instructors and one or two student assistants

Performance Opportunities: Can include a final performance

Requires: An open space for moving, a space with tables, chairs, and a sink for visual art (must be separate from the movement space), access to an outdoor space, boom box or system for playing music.

Organizations who have presented this curriculum: PALS, Pinedale Fine Arts Council